W/1 Meter Quatro Cable, Hard-Case, & Flow Cell The YSI Professional Plus handheld meter provides extreme flexibility for measuring dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, ORP, pH/ORP combination, ammonium (ammonia), nitrate, chloride and temperature. It can also be utilized as a lab instrument for BODs, pH and ORP. This meter is EPA approved for drinking water and wastewater compliance reporting.
Easy-to-install cable weights; can be daisy-chained for additional weight
Rubber, over-molded IP-67 waterproof case (even without the battery cover)
3-year instrument warranty
2-year cable warranty
Rugged cables, sensors, and military-spec connectors
Drop-tested 1 meter at all angles
Scratch-resistant lens; viewable with polarized glasses
Instrument floats
Weighted, user-replaceable multi-sensor design
Data Manager Desktop software included
Data Memory of 5,000 data sets (data, date, time, user-defined info); 1000 GLP Files